About us
The Poppenhusen Agency is a literary agency handling the rights of a considerable number of successful authors of fiction and non-fiction, as well as children’s and young people’s books. We have been representing clients since 2003 and were previously part of Piper und Poppenhusen GbR.
We represent predominantly German-language writers. We deal with all the business matters with publishers on our authors’ behalf. This work consists of everything from submission through to the negotiating of a contract, supervising the bookkeeping, and the placing of subsidiary rights (translation, film, television, stage, radio, and others.) In many cases the agency acts as a companion to authors as they write, supporting them through the development of their book projects, and looking for the ideal match of a publisher for their work.
We also act as co-agents for publishers and agencies in the English-speaking world.
We have a close working association with the Paul & Peter Fritz AG in Zurich ( www.fritzagency.com ). Our contracts are drawn up by the Zurich agency, who also handle any related administrative work on behalf of the Poppenhusen Agency.
Subsidiary rights are drawn up in conjunction with a network of partner agencies.
We work exclusively on a commission basis.

Astrid Poppenhusen
Completed training as a retail bookseller.
Undergraduate and graduate studies in Modern German Literature, Comparative Literature and Philosophy in Munich and London; a doctorate followed. During her studies, Astrid also worked for literary agencies (Liepman AG in Zurich and Marsh & Sheil in London), at publishing houses (Hanser and Rowohlt), and in bookshops.
1998 – 2003 Foreign Rights Director of the Aufbau Publishing Group.
2003 – 2013 Joint owner of the Piper & Poppenhusen Literary Agency.
2014 Founding of the Poppenhusen Agency.