Gerd Kempermann

Gerd Kempermann was born in 1965. He studied medicine in Cologne and Freiburg. He completed a PhD in 1993, gained his medical license in 1995, and carried out post-doctoral research in La Jolla, USA (the University of California, San Diego), from 1995-1998, receiving grants from the Cusanuswerk (the scholarship body of the Catholic Church in Germany) and the DFG (the German Research Foundation). From 1998 to 2000 a clinical neurologist at the University of Regensburg, he went on to head up a research team working on neural stem cells at the Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine in Berlin-Buch, completing his habilitation in 2002. Professor for Genomics of Regeneration at the Centre of Regenerative Therapies at Dresden’s Technical University since 2007, Gerd Kempermann has also been spokesperson for the Dresden German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, part of the Helmholtz Association, since 2009. He lives with his wife and children in Dresden.




DIE REVOLUTION IM KOPF russisch (Verlag Azbooka-Attikus)