Tabea Steiner

Tabea Steiner was born in 1981. She studied German and ancient history. She grew up on a farm in the east of Switzerland. Bern is home to her now. Her writing explores the complexity of the seemingly simple, by way of meticulously composed, high-resolution word pictures. Harsh realities and claustrophobic worlds are the backdrop for heavy-footed and tender human exchanges. Often it is inconspicuous gestures that are placed beneath the magnifying-glass lens. Tabea Steiner received the Literature Award of the International Lake Constance Conference in 2009 and was a participant of the Authors’ Workshop at the Literary Colloquium, Berlin, in 2011. She spent the summer of 2014 as Artist in Residence in Genoa, working on her first novel.


BALG IMMER ZWEI UND ZWEI PROVINCES. Essais translated by Jozef van der Voort